Matrix "DIFFERENT to "Matrix"
On the recipe of gaining "freedom", given in the "Matrix" movie

1. Well, just another movie?

Many people especially from among the young, have already seen the movie called "The Matrix" . Opinions on the movie itself are quite different, but the popularity of it is manifestive. Even in the biographical book about Vladimir Putin, titled " From the first person... " there is a mentioning by the younger daughter of the president of Russia of this movie: " We now have a favorite film - the " Matrix ", but our daddy have not seen it yet. We asked him to see it with us but he told there was no time, but later he would definitely see it ". So what so special about this movie about?

At the first sight - another thriller, which will be soon forgotten, having not casted whatever essential influence on the minds and everyday behavior of the spectators, which would soon after crave new SFX shows of brutalities, though in other scenic environments. The brief contents of the movie is as follows:

A young man called Anderson works in a computer company, and at leisure time is engaged in hackering, breaking into the global computer network from his home PC.

ith such hackering being his major leisure time occupation, his "skills" improved immensely, so that he eventually became one of the brightest hacker brains on the planet. In the global computer network Anderson searches for the head of a secret criminal organization - a man called Morpheus, but that man gets in contact himself, also through the computer network. Morpheus arranges a rendezvous with Anderson through his aides, offering Anderson during their tete-a-tete chat to give the answer on sole, really thrilling for Anderson question: " What is the " Matrix""?" Anderson agrees, and this meeting of these two men further alters the fate of the entire planet.

By Morpheus' definition, the habitual world, seen by all of us, exists as a nuero-interactive model, supported by machine-computer system called "matrix", and the planet Earth (at least for the last two hundred years) - is a lifeless desert, above which there hangs the gray veil of the sky without the sun and the stars. As a result of the activity of the technocratic civilization, there was a war of machines and people, in which machines have won and enslaved humankind, physically planting and growing human species as biological energy raw material for maintenance of the machines' functioning.

However in these terrible conditions there exists "guerrilla conspiracy movement", called the "Zion", which conducts struggle against the undivided rule by the machines over the people. In the virtual world, produced by the "Matrix", there is a key character named "Pifia". She, as it is shown in the film, " knows everything ": both what has occurred, and what there will happen. And consequently all the characters: Morpheus, Trinity, and Neo visit her from the real world, by means of non-authorized breaking into the neuro-interactive model, generated by the "Matrix". According to the message by Morpheus, when the "matrix" was just created, a man with a rare capability to change the surrounding environment was born, adapting the "matrix" to his will. That man helped to the Morpheus group to escape from the "Matrix" generated environment and to set up their activities in the real world. This man had died long time ago, but under the Pifias' prophecy, he should return, and his second arrival will result in a wreck of the "Matrix", thus putting end to the centuries-old war between the humans and the machines.

In the meantime, in anticipation of such a man, the Morfeus team conducts information war for the remaining humans, carrying out from aboard the special ship air-pillow vehicle called "NAVUHUDONOSOR" hacker intrusions into the "Matrix" generated programs, with the purpose of "searching for the future rescuer of humankind". They are "opposed" by the so-called "agents" of the "Matrix", externally undistinguishable from the other people, but possessing abilities to immediately put on any outlook, shape and evidently superior to the "normal" people by their "physical" and "paranormal" capabilities.

Both parties hunt for Anderson, pursuing their purposes: the "agents" want to use Anderson as hacker, capable to break the system of protection of the central information server of a computer network of the rebels, called "Zion"; Morpheus sees in Anderson's personality the foreseen new rescuer of mankind - "Neo", who will release the people from the captivities of the illusions and dreams, generated by the "Matrix", governing all and everybody. In this particularity the plot of the movie has much in common with the Bible narration, according to which both in the Old and the New Testimony, the rescue of humankind should be obtained through the Messiah - God's Envoy. Since the history of the New Testimony of the Messiah is most known in the western public mind, the movie goes for these, well recognized analogues of the basic characters: Neo - analogue of the Christ, Morpheus - the analogue to John the Baptiser, and there is the Jude as well.

As the plot of the movie develops, it delivers to the spectator almost everything familiar in the thriller genre - numerous breath-taking pursuits, skillfully staged fights and gunfire, colorful murders, appealing to the imagination of the spectators in quite a few narrow escape situations, where the "happy end" is virtually crystal fragile, and all other attributes of this genre. All fascinating stages of the movie is the result, achieved through the application of the modern sophisticated computer technologies. And, beyond doubt, they are most attractive to the young film-spectators.

But much of these FX stuff is used in the other movies of the genre, and consequently, it is not just the application of the advanced computer technologies that explain this movie's extraordinary popularity all over the world. Probably, behind the technically perfect scenes of brutalities and face-bashing there is also the other - and, evidently, more important - "hidden" meaning, bringing about the subconscious desire to understand what really makes the movie a hit, especially, among the young, who are now only preparing to enter independent life paths of their own?

2. Hunt for the man and the issues of life and death

" The Hunt for the man began! " - by these words the movie gets to its' mainstream. And this phrase really expresses the core essence of the technocratic civilization: This civilization is definitely anti-human, simply because it destroys the biosphere as a whole, and without the biosphere human life can never exist. The anti-humanity of the technocratic civilization is evident in various ways, including the inadequacy of the contents of the information to the form of its distribution and submission. Western regional civilization in the second half of the ХХ century held the lead in the field of engineering and technological development, as well as in the mass application of the technological gains in all spheres of life, thus becoming the leader in forceful pushing the mankind to technocratic catastrophe. Exactly the same situation there is with the West holding the lead in inventing wrappings and packing forms for various products. The West today leads also in the creation and the perfection of ways and forms of information flows and submission: TV, radio, mobile telecommunications, Internet, electronic mail, tele-bridges and Internet chats, forums, etc.

This terminology is now universally acknowledged throughout the world as result of the technical superiority of the Western civilization and its' aggressive global trade policy. Becoming the technical and technological world leader, the West has succeeded also in imposing its' vision of the key problems of development of mankind and the ways of their imbedding into the alternative cultures, including the one in Russia.

But being the developer and manufacturer of the effective forms of submission of the information, the West can not offer anything substantially new, with what it would be possible to fill in these forms. And this in the point which is hypocritically avoided from open and direct discussion by the scientists and churchmen in the West: after they have accepted the Bible as the true "God's words", the West has blinded its' world-outlook and became contentually fruitless: " Conscience - in the limits of Bible, the Bible - within the limits of knowledge " as was wittily put by one of the "humorists" - Mihail Jvanetzky.

Virtually all last and modern world-outlook thought of the West - various philosophic schools and doctrines of antiquity, swinging to Marxism, various determinations of the further ways of development of human civilization, are not capable to deduce the western man from the brick-wall catch of the Bible. In the searches for the exit, the West starting from the end of the XIXth century has been greedily absorbing all known spiritual practices of joga, east fighting techniques, Buddhism, and nowadays - actively spreading among the Western countries' population "Islamic fundamentalism" , etc. But as the ХХ century has shown, in absorbing the gains of other regional civilizations, the West successfully adopts only forms, mostly losing or perverting the contents.

And against this background of apparently boundless Bible domination, on the screens of the world in the end of the ХХ of century there emerges the movie called "Matrix" - a phenomenon quite unusual in its' way, as it represents in many respects a successful attempt to escape from the captivities of the Bible answers on vital questions. These answers were formulated several thousand years ago by the "tell-in-power priest" hierarchs in ancient Egypt during the adoption and expansion of the "Bible project" of enslaving the entire mankind and the establishment of undivided global demonic rule on the basis of programming of the mentality of the people by false belief. At least for the last two thousand years, diverse public and private "taboos" were imposed on discussion of such beliefs with the West becoming a citadel, from which this enslaving aggressive attacks on the neighboring peoples were carried out.

The film "Matrix" has broken one such "taboo". Though indirectly, through various implications, it mentions the issues, which are crucial for the settlement of the crisis of development of the present technocratic anti-human civilization, forcing the spectators to put forward the following questions: what is the sense of their life on Earth? Why the present culture of mankind is inadequate and leads the humanity to military or ecological suicide? Whether they want henceforth to be the hostages and slaves of the machines, produced by them, especially after the creation of artificial intellect? What ways of rescue there can be? What are the true attitudes and relations of the man with God, Rescuer and what are they with the devil. For the western show-biz cinema reference to these subjects, crucial for life or death of each and every man and all the mankind - is an exclusively unusual occurrence. For this reason the movie has become so popular all over the world, and its popularity serves as doubtless proof that the issues, formulated by us above do thrill even those spectators, who are not prepared for meaningful discussion of these items in any certain or determined terminology.

At the same time this movie is just another information product of the Western, Biblical culture. And it handles with the problems of the current crisis of humanity figuratively - by the language of art. Applying the "art languages" of other cultures - Islamic, Buddhist, Russian, Hinduist, etc. - these problems and the ways of their settlement would be shown differently. But as long as these problems are not formulated in the certain lexicon excluding ambiguity of understanding, their settlement will be offered to the community in avoidance of the people's consciousness by applying the figurative "wrapping" through the use of the " most accessible of all kinds of arts - the cinema". Thus every time the art product will represent some kind of the internal compromise between the people's aspirations to get rid from the slavery and the aspirations of the global rulers, implementing the Bible project of enslaving the mankind, by keeping humans in the captivities of their lies. This is true about the movie "Matrix", with its' figurative contents - or the second semantic line - alien to the Western Biblical culture, which undermine its' foundations.

With all that, one evidence that the movie "Matrix" represents such covered compromise between the aspirations of freedom and the enslavers, - is the fact, that the "devoted" fighters against the "bad" "Matrix" - Morpheus and his team do not discuss vicious properties of the algorithm of its' performance. However, having escaped from the suppression and rule of the "Matrix ", unacceptable to them, the representatives of the "Zion" system actually create an alternative "matrix", and it is not essential whether they consciously realize this or not. Also, the movie tells us about the keeper of the alternative "matrix" - Pifia, who " knows all and everything ". But the fundamental contents of such alternative matrix also fall apart from the discussion, and the images of life of mankind under the new "matrix" authority remain behind the scene in obscurity of silence, absolutely vague and unidentified, constructed only on hollow assumptions, that in alternative "matrix" everything will be "all right".

And the mere fact that this part of the plot of the movie does not lie on the foreground, does not mean that its' vision remains beyond the conscious perception of a thoughtful attentive spectator. It is quite possible, that for the maintenance of the certain orientation of associative inter-links, the names in the movie are picked up so that the sub-consciousness of the spectator is set in accord with the prescriptions of the screenplay writers and their true masterminders.

As if justifying his name, Morpheus believes, that the objective reality and its' images in the man's mentality are not interrelated, just as it happens in dreams, when the sub-consciousness is engaged in processing of the information which has flown into the mind during daytime and before understanding the dream by consciousness, it will bring visions, unnatural for vigil visions. And if it is normal for dreams, in a condition of vigil it sounds reasonable to mentalities more or less covered with schizophrenia.

After such conclusion any further analysis of the plot interlacings of the movie can be recognized as discussion of mental case or narcotic delirium of the authors of the screenplay and the movie's directors - and it is possible to eventually explain the popularity of this thriller after that by mental illness all those who have seen it with so much interest and pleasure. And though the people's community of the global civilization morally and mentally is not really quite healthy, and for them any part of the "Matrix" is a true and valid screening of their mental cracks or narcotic visions or their nightmares, still with the purpose of further sanation and clearing the mentalities of such community it is necessary to disclose the inter-links, interconnections between the images of the "Matrix" and the Objective Reality so that to uncover the figurative world-outlook component of the thriller's plot, which makes this movie a world hit.

Actually it is possible to locate two socially useful world-outlook statements, which in the most explicit and obvious form are provided as direct information to the "average" spectator - by this we mean the majority of the careless consumers of every possible pleasures, " bread and shows ", - and first of all, "consumers" from among the American public.

If it is more or less clear situation with the first statement - with the global biosphere - ecological crisis evident everywhere, the second key phrase requires some explanation.

As is known almost by everyone, who know a little about computer businesses, after the operating system suffers crashes, the computer must be either reloaded of, in a more serious case, complete re-installation of operational system and software once again is needed. So the "system failure" header on the computer display at the end of the movie rather transparently indicates, that the former system of the global control over the mankind, under which the "humanoid virus" - the average consumer - has got quite accommodated to carelessly and insatiably abuse and digest life, after having failed, in the nearest future will leave everyone - one by one- facing the stockpiled global problems of all mankind on the planet. And these overhanging problems have systematic, society-at-large character, and not only individual or local.

These two statements put forward bluntly, in aggregate represent a hint to a virus - "common man": it is high time to start thinking how to resolve the fatal problems caused by his own selfish parasitism over the other members of the human community and the whole biosphere on Earth.

Such thoughts can further stretch out in the two mutually excluding directions:

Actually in just only these particular hints, in stating the utter necessity to provide the answer to one of these two questions, lies every positive and goodwill message of the movie, put forth as the spectator sees it. Which of the two questions should be the one to lead to further brainwork for solving the current problems - is exactly the matter, which everyone decides for himself in his own way. Whether there is a reason to start the search for these answers, or is it more suffice to continue consuming life, thus letting the others search for the answers? - is also a personal individual choice.

All the rest positive and good in the movie is expressed figuratively and therefore requires to give the answers to many silently delivered questions. First and foremost, it is necessary to give an answer to the following question:

Whether there is something objectively existing in Nature, which is given a name of "Matrix" - that is represented by the subtle machine system, the artificial limb of the Biosphere for the humanity and the factory of sleepy dreams about ostensibly "real life" of everybody? Or is it so that the makers of the movie by virtue of their mental case breakdown see the world that painfully perverted, and "matrix" is not a figurative image of something real, but is merely a product of their delirium?

The question of what is a reality? Is voiced in the movie, but the public answer to it, proceeding from the utter individualism, cultivated by the Bible culture, is given in the sense of "solipsism" in a way that reality is what you realize. The uplifting of the perception that "reality is what you realize" to the rank of the general law of life is nothing else but cultivating mental diseases in the personal psychology, an aggressive campaign of the substitution of the real life, staying outside the limits of mentally ill persons' perception by the immediate products of his perverted mental activity .

The living species of the biological kind called "Homo Sapiens" realize only a part of the Objective Reality. However there are questions that logically proceed from this, such as: how the Objective Reality is organized? What part of It is reflected in the consciousness of the majority of the species of the "Homo Sapiens" kind? What is the interaction between the Objective reality as a whole and that part of It, which becomes the property of consciousness of the individual minds at every moment of time? Anyway, each spectator independently faces the opportunity to give the answers to these questions, avoiding both mental crackdowns and isolation within his personal small world immediately available in the personal consciousness.

Without answering to the above challenging questions it is impossible to give the answers on the two other mutually exclusive questions, at which the movie points directly:

Now we shall get back to the fact, that the machine system, producing an illusion of life to the mankind, which is doomed to support it with its' bio-energy (actually, the main applicability of the mankind is to be a "duracell" power supply element , as it is shown in the movie), has been given the name of "Matrix". Today this word is quite familiar to the majority of the people as the mathematical term determined simply as a two-dimensional table, in which individual cells (at the crossing of each line and each column of the table) can represent any mathematical objects, including another matrixes. Then there is a broader definition of a matrix as a mathematical object conceptually indissolubly connected to multi-regularity of the space - the space of pre-examined formal parameters. Besides the matrixes represent a means of giving of structural organization to sets of parameters and provide the establishment of interrelations between various sets (this has found its' brightest expression in such section of programming as database management). And in this particular quality the matrix has properties of the metrology standards, to which the elements of structurally inter-determined of sets correspond.

But all the above understandings of a word "matrix" is one of the narrowly professional senses. The general, or commonsense meaning of this word is much wider. " The Soviet encyclopedic dictionary " (Moscow, 1986) indicates the main, biological meaning of the matrix. And all further meanings of this word accepted in various branches of activity, reflected in terminology dictionaries, are basically connected to the fact that the matrix (in graphic art industry, in machine building, creation of the materials, etc.) essentially specifies an image by its' structural organization, for the development on its' basis of a targeted production. That is whenever the word "matrix" is used it appears as a concept of image generation, appropriate to predetermination, on a material basis of any of possible information carriers.

3. Mathematics and God's Providence

According to this definition of the meaning of the word "matrix", the machine system, producing an illusion of life to all the mankind, in the movie is named correctly. And it brings along a question: whether the machine system itself is the Matrix, or is it imbedded into another matrix, predetermining its' existence and functioning?

Not going into a long story of general reasoning, it is better to assume, that localized by planet Earth biosphere, the machine system can exist and function only, if there is a specified cell for it in the superior matrix. That larger matrix, in turn, occupies a place in a cell of a bigger matrix of the upper level. And so, the consideration of the extended subordination of the matrixes within their mutual interrelation and enclosure, predetermining the life of the enclosed matrixes and processes, produced by them, brings us another couple of questions. Suffice it to say that the positive answer to either one of them immediately means the negative answer to the "mirror" question, connected to the first one. Namely these questions are:

The mankind came to these questions not alone, and during its' history different world-outlook schools give substantially different and mutually excluding answers. But all the variety in details of many of the developed world-outlook systems could boil down to the reference to one of the two answers:

Both views suppose the infinite extending orders of mutual inter-link of individual matrixes of life, but they express qualitatively different concepts about this infinity: in the first case there is initially predetermined "More" than "infinity", and in the second case this "infinity" is self possessive and is built on a trial and error method by escalating and transforming of the individual matrixes, representing " final elements " in this infinite "construction". At first sight both these mutually excluding insights are equally grounded, and it is virtually impossible to judge about the validity of particular one of them and respective falseness of the opposing one.

But on second thought, the true insight is that a certain universal predetermination does exist, according to which the process of escalating of mutually embracing individual matrixes of life and their filling in by matter and information ruins, if something, concealed in this process of escalating of the orders of mutual enclosure, is not represented in the cells of the universal matrix - Gods' Predetermination.

Otherwise the laws of physics and chemistry, which most transparently display the existence of the already constructed predeterminations, could alter with the impetus, made by the occurrence of any new matrix - superstructure, embracing all the previous ones by way of their mutual enclosure and toppling over this order, that corresponds "to the second law of dialectics", according to which quantitative changes lead to qualitative.

Besides the second assumption produces the very necessity for a certain individual elementary unit -"matrix" to have means of increasing its order by mutual enclosure, represents substantially the same Gods' Predetermination of Life, but smuggled in the structure of reasonings either because of low intellect or, in order to avoid calling things their names.

But the two above mutually excluding assumptions are in fact expressions of different outlooks also mutually excluding each other. The first one is putting God in the center, and therefore, on this basis is Theocratic in its' essence. It recognizes that the universe as a whole and, in particular, planet Earth and humankind is the Gods' creation, the fruit of Predetermination of the Creator and the All-mighty, and the Life itself flows in the paths, channels of the Will and Providence of God.

For a man living in such a channel of God's Providence, it is natural to realize, that the World is uniform and complete and that everything in it, including the mutual relations of the people, is set in reason-consequence lines and is multi-optional within the general predeterminationary goodwill. And any man who builds his life in such channel of Gods' Predetermination in accord with Gods' Will, gets support from Above. In the first case - God is Above-the Universe Reality, hierarchically the best Universal management, with Which a human being aspires constantly to support the certain ethics of interpersonal relations on the basis of objective morale. In the second case there is a process of constant, more often - not realized consciously ) antagonism between a human being and the Gods' Providence, by which the individual human ethics, determined by the second outlook, are mirrored.

In such perception of the world the "mera" and the "matrix" - are the different names (Russian and Latin) for the same objective phenomenon. And under the multi-dimensional universal matrix of possible conditions of Matter in the Universe it is possible to understand Gods' Predetermination of the Life of All and any part of the Universal Matrix - the Gods' Predetermination through the access gained by the individual feeling of measure of the human being. Accordingly everyone, who is attentive enough and is not evil-tempered, may use the gifted ability to distinguish the reason-consequential determinations of his own life and circumstances, emerging and developing around him, perceives the vivid displays of the Gods' Providence in qualitatively hierarchically the Best universal management and consequently is capable and desires to build his personal everyday activity in accord with God, in the channel of His Providence on the basis of this mans' own feeling of measure.

The second outlook could possibly be named "I-centrizm" or egocentric. In its' essence such outlook is either completely atheistic, when erects the mans' personality is lifted in a rank of the "god" or the "conqueror" of Nature, or boils down to pantheism, with assimilating God with the Universe as a whole, acknowledging the mere fact that it is far from all in Nature that is under human control. But in both these options this outlook insists that the Universe, planet Earth with its biosphere and humankind in it has somehow "self-emerged" (but thus from sub-consciousness of the man, adherent to such outlook, there emerges a question of : from what?) or everything was brought into existence as a result of explosion (again a question: of what?), or as a result of a long evolution (again: of what?).

The perception of the Objective reality is quite peculiar within such outlook, as it is set as a variety of not-inter-related casual facts, processes and phenomena, constantly undeterminably varied in endless evolutionary development, or self-emerging" in accordance with the already opened or not-yet-discovered laws of nature. It turns out that the invisible to the atheistic mentality reason-consequence determinations between different (from his point of view phenomena), in which the Best universal management of God reveals itself directly hierarchically, are estimated as objectively nonexistent.

Such outlook puts in the center of the Universe (even sometimes unconsciously) either the man himself and/or his limited opportunities, or laws of nature, having taken possession of which, the man begins to imagine himself the master of nature. But this "I-centrizm" remains to be the "I-centrizm" without any corrections imposed by the breadth of individual intellectual horizons: " If I saw further than the others, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of the giants ", - I. Newton.

And as a consequence of the not clearly manifested and not revealed consciously atheism within the "I-centrizm" outlook, the desire to perceive the Only God and His Providence towards His Creations are opposed (also no-consciously) by the last to perceive the laws of nature.

4. Matrix control and management

Within the mutual inter-enclosure of the matrixes of the Objective reality one could pinpoint and define the specific matrixes which predetermine the flow of qualitatively different events and processes: physical, biological, social. The matrixes, embracing the flow of exclusively social processes, present particular interest for the fate of the society, since the alternations in the matrixes of such kind bring direct or indirect changes into the fate of the people, civilizations and the humankind in general.

In the two specified above world-outlooks the "matrix" is used as a program of multi-optional algorithm, within the framework of which the society develops its' cultural environment. Under the influence of such cultural environment, embracing the growth and development of a man, possessing genetically based potential for development, the consciously -understood habits and non-conscious automatisms of individual behavior are created. Also, they form the attitude of a man to the phenomena of his internal and external world. The non-conscious automatisms of the psychic activity are dominant in the internal and are seen from the outside behavior of the man in the surrounding objective reality. This is determined by the fact, that a mans' consciousness in regular periods could simultaneously maintain supervision of not more than 7 - 9 objects or processes and digest information at the rate not exceeding 15 -16 BPS.

Sometimes, like in a number of works on ethnic-genesis by L. Gumilev, these non-conscious automatisms are called "stereotypes". Their essence could be consciously identified and classified as "good" or "evil" in concrete life circumstances. The non-identification of the stereotypes of behavior towards the different phenomena of the Objective reality, and\or the disinclination to identify their essence with the ethics of their relevance to the "good" or the "evil" in relation to the Gods' Providence - is one major sign of the fact that life of such man goes in the framework of a certain anti-human matrix, creating a certain type of cultural environment, the anti-human essence of which is protected from being identified and realized by various direct and indirect taboo for such actions, imposed by the owners of such a matrix. Such kind of stereotypes produce internal conflicts in the algorithms of the psychic activities of individuals and the societies at large, which results in the different psychic and psychosomatic diseases, various injuries, crackdowns and other disastrous events, immanent to the way of life of the present civilization.

This is why it is not only possible, but also life-important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the particular matrixes and the cultural environments, brought about by them. The exit from the framework of a particular identified matrix will immediately and unavoidably mean the transfer to the other matrix with a quite different type of culture.

And so there is a kind of social power, which has not surfaced in the field of attention of the traditional politology and therefore, lies beyond its' understanding, which is firmly connected to the processes, going on in the world (the reality) of the multiple predetermination matrixes. First, this kind of power represent the control of the social life to a particular matrix or a set of matrixes. Second, this is the power, exercised over the society by those people, who posses the capability to destroy, transform and create previously non-manifested subordinate matrixes, predetermining the life of the human societies within the limits set by the Overall Embracing Matrix - the Gods Predetermination.

If one tries to describe the contents of such matrixes, there will appear the concept of the life of the societies as a certain ideal and as a set of means, by which this ideal is brought into life. In accordance with this, for quite some time we call the power based on the matrixial processes, the conceptual power.

Here one should understand that the concept of the life of the society is not ideology. Ideology is sometimes not even the reflection of the concept, but only one of the means of the implementation of the concept into life. For example, in the history of the humankind all the subtle systems of slavery were covered by the ideologies of freedom of the labor from oppression- but the slavery was the essence of the concepts, which remained principally the same during many centuries, although they have changed many ideological cover-ups. Also, the concept of the life of the society is not its' acting legislation or the juridical projects. All the legislation is just a frontline, by which the ruling concept is protecting itself from the development of the alternative concept in the same society.

But if someone has assumed, that the Internal Predictor of the USSR has resorted to the backdating in order to connect the notion " of conceptual power " with what the movie "Matrix" has revealed, we will address him to the works of the USSR INTERNAL PREDICTOR "Mertvaya Voda" ("Dead water") (in all editions, since 1991 till the present time), to the uncompleted work " K Bogoderjaviuy" and will read, what there is told directly and is unequivocally understood about the predetermination matrixes and about conceptual power, instead of in the figurative form of the movie, which everyone will understand in his own way.

According to the plot of the movie, if the heroes really have escaped from under the authority "of the "Matrix"", generated by the machine system to freedom, unlimited by anything or by anyone, their boundlessly free imagination should allow each of them (and furthermore to all of them collectively) to give birth to a new embracing as much as possible universal matrix of the upper grade, proceeding from which they could easily and without all theatrical effects "cancel" or transform the matrix, where the machine system called "matrix" existed, and from under which control they have presumably escaped into " the real world ".

Entering the world of a lower level matrix from the upper level, enclosing matrix, it is enough to DECLARE all opponents nonexistent, powerless or in other way transformed; to announce oneself invisible and all-mighty (obviously immortal and invulnerable in the world the matter of which fills the cells of the embraced matrix). After that the necessity for all theatrical effects with shooting, fights, disappearances over the telephone cable lines and tragic impossibility to disappear from the persecutors, having dissolved in air, or to leave them alone with their "matrix" generated daydreams, having disappeared over mobile telephone. There is no need in all these show-off entertainment FX for the public if there is a valid entry in such matrix even from the different matrix of the same order, to say nothing of the embracing matrix of the higher order; such stuff is even difficult to consider as any pleasure for the eye.

Actually such control of the processes, taking place in the lower level matrixes on the basis of the influence, effected on the enclosed matrixes of life from the overhanging, embracing matrix has been clearly displayed by the so-called "agents" to the main hero - Anderson- Neo. It was when Neo, under arrest, wanted to stick to his "rights" and asked for the telephone: the agents just have announced him немым, and under the influence of this operator of the programming language of the higher level of command the immediate execution of a set of micro-commands was performed so that Neo had his mouth firmly tightened. But also these "agents" in the world, generated by their matrix, do not appear boundlessly free. If it was differently, there would be no need for them to persuade Anderson-Neo to cooperate with them: they would simply re-program his mentality so, that he would turn into a faultlessly loyal "citizen", or they would cut the intrusion holes into their matrix and would get through to the "Zion" server without Anderson's assistance. Actually, the makers of the movie do have some idea (most likely unconscious) about the opportunities of matrixial transformations, as by such means the "agents" have once tried to catch the "Navuhudonosor" crew, having transformed the "Matrix" generated usual house into " a stone bag " without windows and doors. But this episode essentially is just another sign, pointing at the objective existence of the universal matrix of the Highest Predetermination, which nobody can break.

When considering all these matrixial - in the most general meaning - operations and interrelations, we also mentioned matter, which fills any matrix, and information, which gives images to the matter, filling in the matrix. In other words, the World itself appears in the God-centrist outlook as trinity: " matrix - matter - information ".

In relation to the pair set " matter - information" - matrix - Gods' Predetermination of Life, i.e. measured development. The sixth feeling of any man without dependence whether he is "normal" or "psychic", - feeling of a measure, direct feeling of Gods' Predetermination (it is another issue that this capability is differently advanced in different people and not all consciously interpret this feeling).

In relation to matter the matrix is in fact a matrix of its' possible conditions and possible transitions from one condition into another possible condition through transformations.

But as one Russian proverb says, " there is no thing without an image ". It is possible to be expanded to the following: there is no matter without the image set by a certain matrix. Image is information.

In relation to information matrix - measure of life - is a system of coding of the information. It is common knowledge that information does not exist outside the systems of its' coding.

However in this set of the highest generalized categories:" matrix (Predetermination, measure of life) - matter - information" there appears to be no place neither for space, nor time. Why the description of the world in the terms of trinity " matter - information - matrix " it has become possible to overpass these seemingly inevitable notions? -Just for the sole reason that the co-measure-ment of spaces and co-measure-ment of times - is only one of composing elements of the Predetermination matrix. Accordingly, space and time (so-called " space-time continuum" of the theory of relativity) - are secondary in relation to the matrix and do not exist without a matter and information, filling in the matrix; in our life space and time of both micro- and macro- worlds - are secondary consequences of the existence of the matrix of Predetermination of life.

5. About matrixes and aggregors

Certainly, subjectively real is what is realized by every individual. But there is also objective reality that is outside of individual consciousness. The change of basic parameters of adjustment of ones' physical feelings and as well, the parameters of adjustment of bio-field systems of the organism changes the realized perceptions of the Objective reality. As a result of it subjective reality gets - and sometimes holds for long - what was not there before. Many know the phrase : "to get drunk till meet the devils' aides" basically reflects this - the subjective reality gets something what was there outside it before.

In the movie the awakening of the main hero in an ostensibly "true" reality from the illusions generated by the "Matrix" machine system, is transfer of his consciousness from one "cell" fragment of the embracing matrix of the higher level to the other "cell" fragment. The very process of transition of consciousness from one reality to another is shown as a horrible dream.

Anderson-Neo is inside the certain egg-hull, all twisted by numerous feelers penetrating deep into his body, with especially many of them in the spinal pole zone, he "wakes up" and sees a breath-taking view: there are huge skyscraper tall lines of machines all covered with the same eggs, from which he has just "emerged", each bearing a human being inside. A monster machine, apparently belonging to the "immune system" "of the "Matrix", having identified a failure in the work "of Anderson-Neo "egg" and having identified Anderson as spoilage pulls him out from a clot of feelers and dumps him in sewer, where the main hero loses consciousness. From the water drain he got into he is fished out by another system, which gets him back to his senses. After that in this new reality he is taken care of by means of medical aid as they cover the places of feeler penetration of the former system into his body, particularly, in the backbone area with " the best in the world American blakstonia ".

If you like all this, it is very touching. If you don't' dive deep into the illusion of sympathy to the hero, there is a question: with what this transfer of consciousness of the hero from the world of dreams, brought by the machine to the world of other reality, in which is allegedly almost what boundless freedom from any matrixes is achieved, is co-related?

The subjective reality to the consciousness of the majority of the people could possibly be given the name of "the material world". The world of various natural fields is inaccessible to the realized perception of the majority. Nevertheless this world does objectively exist, with its' existence being fixed and monitored by the instruments, accessible to the modern science - indirectly, and - directly it always was and is nowadays accessible to the realized perception of the minority of the people. In the past of such people named "ghost viewers", and nowadays as "extra-senses". Some people from this minority group perceive this field reality as manifested visually, imposed over the material world, just as if when you put two different overlapping photographic images on one sheet of photographic paper. Also there are people, who perceive field and material reality as two different worlds.

When these people describe the impact of the field reality on the subjects, some use the words, such as various "connecting feeders" or "feelers", limbs, sucking into the "egg-hull" energetic halo of a man. These "Connecting feeders" are located mostly along the spinal pole of the body, as it is shown in the film. The "connecting feelers" have their beginning and their end, and, accordingly, all the "connected" form by themselves a certain aggregate system, with each of them being a functionally specialized element of this system.

In esoteric sciences, occult theories and the slang of the "psychics" such system is often referred to as "aggregor". Since we do not see in the movie, where exactly these material "hoses- feelers" go to, this machine system is shown not as a field structure, but as a machine called "matrix" , belonging to the material world. As it is put in the movie, the entire humankind is a specific source of energy for the "Matrix" machine - its' "duracell" elements. With aggregors it is the same: the role of the majority of the "connected" is similar: to feed the aggregor with their energy, necessary for the execution of the purposes of the owners and the managers of these aggregors. Through the "connecting feeders" each person supplies the energy to the aggregors, and through the same "connects" aggregor and its' managers cast their influence on all the "connected", that is why all the connected are more or less not free to control themselves.

That is all the sequence of dreadful images shown in the movie, is not just fantasy and not a mental case delirium, but a kind of visualization on the cinema-screen of quite real aggregor, which nowadays controls the entire Western regional civilization.

Getting rid by any individual from under the control unacceptable for him aggregor, is correctly shown in the "Matrix" movie, starts with identifying the "connecting feelers" and disconnection of the man with them. The process of disconnection of a man from the aggregor can really proceed in two stages: at the first stage someone from outside forcefully tears he energy-information connects, established between the person and the aggregor, and at the second stage, when the subject is artificially isolated from the aggregor, the subject is provided with the information, the quality of which excludes the possibility of returning back to the former aggregor. In this process there inevitably emerges information community of such a person with the one who provides this information. And if this information belongs to a group of people, automatically there is a new connection formed, giving life to the new aggregor. In reality it can not be so, that a man, living in the society is not switched into any aggregors. But the relations of a man with the aggregors, born by the social culture, can be quite different:

According to the plot of the movie, if all the "connecting feelers" to the enslaving "Matrix" are pulled out, and healing the places of their penetration into human body with the best in the world American blakstonia", the heroes of the movie, free from all the connects to the "bad "matrix", should then proceed with their lives in a wonderful accord with each other, - without any internal problems or conflicts in their team. However in this aspect the screenplay of the movie displays a failure.

Since the imagination of the screenplay writers, directors and actors of the movie remains locked in captivity of the bible-based civilization matrix, and the authors of the movie were incapable due to their wrecked morale to break the walls of this prison, they do not have any slightest idea about the quality of any truly alternative predetermination matrix and about the way of life under its' conceptual authority. That is why the characters of the movie, having formally escaped from the authority of the bad "matrix", in their alleged freedom " of the real world " continue to behave precisely like those characters, still living under the control of the "Matrix". Here it is suffice to consider the Russian literature, with many authors devoting their works so that humanity could really, and not formally get rid from the control of the bible-based matrix: have a close look at the way how the characters of " What to do? " by N.G. Chernyshevsky, and the characters of the "Andromeda Nebula ","The Bull Hour " and other works of I.A. Yefremov behave totally different way than the overwhelming majority in the bible-based elite-mob culture. It is a result of the fact that the mentality and imagination of many Russian thinkers was free from suppression by the Bible in all the times.

The screenplay writers and their advisers from among the "psychics" and occult rulers for some reason have overlooked the most significant system of "connecting feelers", which actually transforms the technologically developing mankind into a virus - parasite on the body of our Mother Earth. This system of "connecting feelers" is known for ages and during the stone epoch this "connection" was portrayed in a plain form, rather evidently and in a clearly understandable way.

What does it mean?

It is not just a primitive analogue of contemporary obscene "naturalistic" pictures one could view on walls of public toilets. The point is that in the material world there are no physical analogues, represented on the above picture. The picture is a figurative display in the modified images of the material world of the reality taking place in one of the non-material worlds. Let's pay a closer look to this picture.

Mentality of any individual is a multi-component information system. More exactly: mentality is an information-metric system, since mentality is first of all the algorythmics, and algorythmics is a sequence of steps of transformation of the information, what is impossible without different kinds of matrixes, common to algorythmics - the converters of measured conditions, which represent all kinds of "tracing-paper" from the objective universal measure matrix of the Gods' Predetermination of life.

The personal mentality determines individual behavior of a man based on the elements, which in computer business it is usually referred to as software. The information software, guiding the people's behavior is different in quality and includes:

The information software, determining individual behavior, proceeding from some of the above mentioned diversified components, is not necessarily -in all the life circumstances- go without collisions with the information software of behavior, proceeding from the other components. Depending on what the individual prefers, allowing this or that algorythmics to be executed in his behavior both in material, and in the spiritual worlds, his personal psychological composition builds up, even if the individual does not realize at all, what this is. Owing to ambiguity of individual preferences, aimed at the resolution of internal conflicts between diverse components of information software of behavior in everyone's' mentality, the society at large displays more or less vividly expressed tendency to polarization: on one end there are those who mostly unconsciously aspire to subordinate everything to satisfaction of their instinctive needs - on the other those who more or less consciously aspire to summon everything to accord with the Gods' Providence and to live their lives on the route of Gods' guidance.

The first group are the carriers of an animal build-up of mentality and in essentially represent speech-capable humanoid apes, more or less tamed by the influence of the cultural environment of the civilization. Representatives of the second group are at different stages on the path of irreversibly becoming humans - the carriers of the human build-up of mentality.

In between these two categories of the society there have dispersed (in the mathematical sense of statistical distribution) all others: different bio-robots-zombies - those who reject the freedom of their mind in the statement and resolving of different tasks, and also reject intuition, subordinating their will to the affect of external factors.

Among the zombies there is one specific group - the demonic personalities - those who do not reject both their mind and intuition, but who reject the guidance from God and thus stay in intoxication by the will power both of their own, and of some embodied or spiritual substances.

But under a closer look all zombies, including the demonic personalities, are identical carriers of the animal build-up of mentality, whose instincts are cemented by the norms of culture and surface - directly or in perverted way - under different masks of formal innovations in hedonic culture - subordinating all components of the mentality to the extraction of various pleasures from all and everything.

The instincts of a biological kind - are the programs of definitively targeted behavior of its' species, and not any vague , uncertain instincts "in general". In the life of any biological kind the leading role is played by the sexual instincts, and under their influence there is a reproduction of bio-populations in continuity of generations. The algorithms of reproduction of generations in all dual-sexual biological species, to the number of which the human species belong to, varies by its' functionally specialized fragments, representing specific traits of each of the sexes.

The biological species " Homo Sapiens " instincts are constructed so, that the male with the animal build-up of mentality is psychologically subordinated to the female. With the purposes of reproduction of the new generations of his kind the man is instinctively programmed to serve the woman together with the children, born by her. But this psychological subordination - dependence of the man with the animal build-up of mentality from "favors" given to him by the woman takes place regardless to whether there were sexual contacts between the man and woman, or there were no such contacts. This allows to understand the direct meaning of the ancient drawing: the woman executes distance operation of the man by means of his psychological dependence from her on the basis of the sexual instincts - as it is figuratively shown on the stone-age drawing by a rather lengthy connecting feeler between them, similar to a cable, connecting a robot and the control desk.

But the fate of the woman with the animal build-up of her mentality is not something of envy. Not one woman's' destiny was broken to pieces due to her slavery to the instincts proceeding from the well-known attributes of her body: with the last for sexual satisfaction, what in the biosphere is naturally accompanied by pregnancy; and maternal instincts, abusing which, the children "twist the nerves" of their parents, particularly, mothers..

Accordingly all refined cultural "wrappings", imposed by the civilization, which is hiding in peoples' behavior the same, what is plainly displayed in March by the behavior of cats, who do not know how to kill time, do not change the core of the case. The US cinematography can hardly be reprimanded that it is not scrupulous in the display to the public of naked human bodies and the possible manipulations with sexual organs. Therefore the fact that the "connecting feeler", shown on the ancient drawing of the stone age is absent in the movie, tells that the movie-makers do not comprehend its' true role in the fate of the present civilization. However, as they say in Russia " you show the nature to the door - it will spring in from the window ". And if the marked problem really exists, the artist still will display it in his works. Same story is in the movie "Matrix".

Although the connecting feeler", based on sexual instincts is not shown in the movie at the stages of getting rid of the other "connecting feelers" and heeling the Anderson's wounds with the "best in the world American blakstonia", still the authors of film could not overlook the consideration of its'influence on the course of struggle of their characters with the bad "matrix". In the scenes, depicting Andersons' "combat preparation" on various test-fields - environmental training programs developed by the guerilla programmers for the hacker struggle with the "matrix" - there is an episode, which corresponds to this "connecting feeler".

Morpheus and Anderson walk along the city street, simulated by the training program. Suddenly, from within the monotonous gray crowd towards them heads a woman in red, sharply different from the rest people of the crowd. Anderson, walking down the street, having passed her by, under the control of unconscious automatisms of behavior, turns around, as the instincts demand. But " the woman in red " has already turned into an "agent" "of the "Matrix" and starts shooting with a gun to kill him. An attentive spectator will understand, that a man, in order to be free from the bad matrixes, - should have such a structure of automatisms' algorythmics of the unconscious levels of mentality, so that to never become the hostage of the instincts, along with their cultural "wrappings".

5. Freedom is in the Transformation of the contents, but not in change of wrappings

From all other species of animals in the Earth biosphere the man, besides articulated speech, distinguishes by :

But the will is not quite free, as the man is compelled in certain cases to resort to the strong will efforts, so that by his will to overcome the restrictions in behavior imposed by instincts, habits, norms of culture etc. And if people lack will power in some circumstances, they are not capable to implement their intentions, since their behavior is under control by what their will can not overcome.

However, in the movie a "normal" man, from the viewpoint of the makers of the movie, the one, who was born in the freedom of the "real world" outside the bad "matrix", is characterized by other qualities: " its' exactly the Instincts and weaknesses, that distinguish us from the lousy machines". Such statements are either a thoughtlessly declared nonsense, or the evil-tempered attempt under the accompaniment of thriller- twirled plot of the movie to imbed in the spectators' subconsciousness - mostly the young ones - a false perception of the human mentality. The basic software, "imbedded" in microchips (as BIOS in the modern computers), essentially are the same "inherent instincts" of the machines, and not he humans, regardless of how subtle and sophisticated the machines and their software are.

In reality a human being - Gods' creation - distinguishes and will always distinguish from the most sophisticated machines:
First, - by freedom of mind in the target setting and the assignment for himself of the limits of possible, morally and ethically allowable;
Secondly, - by will, by the power of which he is capable to overcome many circumstances, limiting his freedom of will.

In all the technosphere, in all the made machines, in their software and all other, crafted by the people, the true morals and ethics of people are expressed, their definite mentality build-up. Therefore, if the artificial intellect appears to be antihuman, as it takes place in the movie, this is just an expression of anti-humanity of the mentality of the people who made them.

Therefore, the present culture in the society was created as a result of the application of the freedom of mind in the targeting of the development and the use of will in order to overcome various restrictions. However, due to the domination in the society of the animal build-up of mentality, the achievements of culture are at the present time subordinated to the instinctive programs of behavior, which naturally produce biological inter-kind and intra-kind competition for a better place under the sun. But the animal, if to consider the build-up of mentality of the majority, armed with mind, free in its' targeting and definition of possible and allowable from the moral-ethical viewpoint, armed by machines and magic, is unnatural. Such kind of animals is not stipulated by the Gods' Providence, and consequently this kind does not have a place in the overall universal matrix.

The restoration of the natural order of things in the Universe is possible in the two options of the further destiny of mankind:

All the above does not supercede the basic knowledge, given within the courses of general biology and psychology of secondary school, where biology, psychology, history and other subjects are scattered and thematically are not inter-related, giving way to the kaleidoscopic outlook of the majority of scholars. In such kaleidoscopic outlook each known fact exists by itself, being torn away from the facts learned from both other disciplines, and from the real life. And probably this is the reason why the youth, which is only entering the independent life in a grown-up world, in their unconscious aspiration to created a combined and complete picture of interrelations of the world, faster, than the senior generations comprehend that the movie "Matrix" does lift these problems, though avoiding consciousness in providing this information in the figurative narration.

The attitude of the makers of the movie to the "connecting feeler" system, similar to the one, drawn on the wall in an African cave, is ambiguous and inconsistent:

In this ambiguity towards the issue of the normal human psychological build-up, the makers of the movie display mainly unconscious struggle, going on under the bible-based culture, of the two mutually exclusive tendencies.

According to the first one everything, related to the sexual sphere, is not subject to openness in the society- neither in flesh, nor in words or artistic images and figurative narration. But since nobody can escape from the nature, the civilization produces a set of cultural "wrappings", ennobling the animal basic instinct up to the level " of eternal values " of humankind. Therefore the culture, idealizing these various cultural wrappings, in which the instincts manifest themselves, supports all other but human build-up of the mentality, thus hampering the transformation of the civilization towards humaneternity.

According to the second tendency, all the cultural wrappings are senseless, and the animal basics, naked under the pressure of porn-industry, is traded for the true mammal essence of a man. Therefore, there should be no shy hesitations and it is necessary to give complete freedom to the " safe sex ". In its' essence this tendency represents direct refusal to become humans.

Both these tendencies are indissolubly inter-linked in the culture of the present civilization, and gaining the upper hand by each of them would be a victory of one of the forms of the same contents. Due to the unity of their essential contents the struggle between them represents one of the ways of maintaining the seizure of the mankind by the control of the "Matrix".

The makers of the movie, though having indicated on the ambiguity of the problem, have left in silence the struggle of the two above formal tendencies, thus promoting the domination of the animal build-up of mentality in the future.

Since the system of "connecting feelers", similar to the ancient drawing on the wall of a cave as not shown directly, there were reasons and purposes for that as well:

The absence of solution of this conflict of the forms of display of the same animal basics by the makers of the movie was expressed in the development of the plot of the movie. There are scenes in the movie, that in the reality of the alleged freedom, where the main character gets in, there is still no freedom from the unbearable pressure of the instincts on mentality. In the alleged freedom reality the events take place under the control of the same old "Matrix" of enslaving the mankind. The happy end was inches from the abyss due to the fact that the "new reality" "Jude"- Saipher has craved to get by all means into a sexual intercourse with Trinity in any possible bio-field reality, but Trinity remains to be cold towards Saipher in the expectations of Anderson-Neo's love. So in the "new " reality of the alleged boundless freedom, in which the crew of "Navuhodonosor" lives without dictatorship of the programs of the neuro-interactive model called "Matrix", there is a classical "love triangle ", which is inevitable in all cultures reproducing from generation to generation anti-human build-ups of mentality.

Here we shall note, that the "Navuhodonosor" "Jude", who has traded in Morpheus to the "agents" is the sole character of the "Matrix", the outlook of which can be identified as Slavic-type: as if his image was purposely made based on the known appearance of the last non-orthodox All-Russian ruler Svyatoslav, the farther of Vladimir, who became the Christian baptizer of Russia. The only difference is that instead of a lock of a hair on a bald head he wears a narrow thin beard above the chin. So, the image of the "Jude" - Saipher has been purposely constructed so , that under the global rallying of the movie worldwide to create in the subconsciousness of the spectator an image of the enemy - the Slavs and, first of all, the Russians. In particular, Saipher is the only character, who is addictive to alcohol, to fit in the well-known stereotype that " Russians are the hardest drunkards in the world ".

What the movie shows is that there is no finding of real freedom, but after the destruction by the mankind of the reality of the Earth biosphere, the same virus, the "cancer tumor of the planet " , after having a small rest under the control of the "Matrix" machine system, tries to escape from under its control and to create a "new reality", and - having not changed itself - to go on parasiting on it further: - parasiting - because it could not do anything else and will never be able to learn anything before it would get rid from the "connecting feeler", represented on the ancient drawing.

Besides all the characters in the alleged true reality of freedom are being connected to another "connecting feeler" - through the nape - without this they can not enter the world of the former reality, generated by the "Matrix". Whether the new "connecting feeler" fitted in the nape, is better than the former set of "connects" to the "Matrix" - is a debatable question. Our point of view is that these boots make a pair.

Somebody, having read the above, may understand it in a sense that we are supporting total emasculation of both sexes. Not at all: he should understand, that within the human build-up of mentality the emotional self-sufficiency of the individual of any sex and age is achieved, due to what there is no suppression of his mentality by instincts; and his behavior ceases to be dependent to more and more sophisticated and ever more perverted by "progress" of culture ways of satisfying various lasts for both men and women. The originality of each of the sexes, as well as the originality of each of the individuals in transition to human build-up of mentality is preserved, but the attitudes between a man and a woman get a new quality and become non-comparable with the attitudes of males and females of all animal kinds in the biosphere of the Earth. Also, as a consequence the transition of the society to the domination of human build-up of mentality brings along the transformation of culture.


The visualization of bio-field interaction between the man and the woman within human build-up of mentality of both of them and their combination do not have anything in common with the system "of "connecting feelers", as it is depicted on the ancient drawing. In the bio-field reality it is quite visible, that " a luminous hull " of the egg "containing" one individual, overlaps with the " luminous hull " of the other. Both of them increase their sizes and cover both, if the two individuals match each other. All mis-matches are expressed either as complete inability of the bio-fields of the individuals to generate a common halo, or as its' various defects: for example, the common halo is steady, but it can not cover completely both, leaving "naked" various parts of bodies of one or both (for example, sometimes the two heads break the hull of the common halo if they are connected to the various incompatible aggregors; the halo, which can not cover both is constantly trembling, exposing the various parts of the two bodies; sometimes there are holes in the common halo, leading to the conflicting energy knots of each of the individuals or the halo swings, covering conflicting energetic connections of the people to other peoples' halos of to the aggregors, etc. Such defects either vanish within a limited period of time, or the common halo is forced to lose its' stability and the individual halos split and stay apart. The generation by the man and the woman of a common mutually embracing halo takes place in accordance with the predetermination matrixes, specifying life, in which the generation of the common halo by the back-circuits is depicted by the image, widely known as "Yn-Yan" symbol. But when the human mentality build-up is reached by the spouses you will never find anything similar to the earlier reproduced ancient drawing, - neither in the reality of their bio-fields, nor in the reality of the predetermination matrixes, specifying the interrelation of the bio-fields.

M.K.Chiurlionis shows us another view on the same matrix reality in his picture "Fairy-Tale of Kings" (Tempera on canvas, 1909).

It is important also to note that the majority of the character names of the movie brings along the associations with the "bible project": "Trinity"; "Neo" - New (who?: Jesus?); Morpheus - Dazed, although he lives in a reality, allegedly free from the dreams, generated by the "Matrix" machine system; Dozer, "Jude" -Saipher. And as it is possible to understand from the plot of the movie, the alternative predetermination matrix is held by a modest lady - "Pifia", who controls the world by accessible to her means of creation of the transition matrixes within the limits imposed by the predetermination matrixes of the higher order. She just does it, surpassing all democratic procedures, directly from her kitchen.

Well, there are many such "kitchens" on Earth. And as well there are many similar "Pifias" in the real life, and each one wants to control and supervise the world and the fate of other people from their kitchens in their own way, and, actually, not always in consent with the other "Pifias" and with common people:Well, it is high time to remember the notorious words of V.I.Lenin, who said about these housewives, who MUST LEARN, how to control and supervise the state. Probably the true democracy lies in the autocracy of the conceptual power, principally accessible to everyone?

But the specific point in the movie is that "Pifia", who knows the future, and " knows virtually everything ", consulting the members "" Navuhodonosor" crew (Morpheus, Trinity and Neo) on their probable future, carries out the matrix management in relation to them, at the same time being a part of the neuro-interactive model, produced by the "Matrix", against which the characters of the movie struggle so hard. The characters of the movie are far from even putting forward the question what comes as prophecy from Pifia herself and what is just transmitted through Pifia by the "Matrix". This important particularity supposes the possibility that the "matrix", against which Morpheus and the "Navuhodonosor" team struggle, in relation to the supporters of "Zion", is, in fact the embracing matrix of a higher order. This means, that the movie shows not the struggle of the people for freedom from the unlimited control from the "bad "matrix", but the transition of the bad "matrix" in a different mode of self-supervision, in which the same old contents will appear in the new forms. In other words, the movie displays the mutual overlapping of individual matrixes with mutually antagonistic concepts of their control, although both these matrixes remain in the bigger matrix of higher order.

At the end of the movie Trinity says to Anderson-Neo: "Pifia has predicted, that I should fall in love (the earlier context informs that her man should the "rescuer of the world", and I have chosen you. It means you will not die." And so he did. He did not die, but the question is: who did Neo turn into, after his killing by the "Matrix" agent "Smith" and then having entered in Smith after his "Resurrection" - probably, he has turned into a new "super-agent" of the same "Matrix", performing the shift of its' operations to the new mode? In this connection it is suffice to recollect the Morpheus's explanations of the role of the "agents" in the "Matrix" machine system: " they are independent modules; they are the self-regulatory tool of the system and they accept any shape". Or whether Anderson and Pifia are the "agents" of the embracing predetermination matrix, which embraces the bad "matrix"? - This question is not solved in the plot of the movie, since the makers of the movie do not distinguish the "Matrix", created by self-possessiveness of the civilization with the domination of non-human mentality build-ups from the overall embracing Matrix of the Gods' Predetermination.

Apart from the meaningful name parallels of the movie characters with the biblical scenes, there are more coincidences:: functionally Neo- Tomas Anderson (Andreev Foma, if in Russian) shows comical similarity to the Christ; Morpheus does the same, as John the Baptizer - he waits for, searches and finds " the rescuer of the world ", introduces him to the people and makes way for him. A guarantee of the eventual rescue of the mankind and getting rid of the control of the "Matrix" is dependent on the steady and safe functioning of the system, though remaining off-cadre, which is called somewhat "Zion": "Sion", "Zion", are just different spelling or pronunciation options for the same word, related to the well-known factor in the real history of the present global civilization.

Also it is suffice to recall, that the fighters against the "matrix" in the numerous stress situations call hell and devil, that brings the spectators to the idea, that their struggle is in fact a fight against the Gods' Predetermination, and not against the bad machine system "Matrix": " Matrix is everywhere, it surrounds us, it's a whole world pulled on eyes to hide the truth. Alas, it is impossible to explain, what is the "Matrix ":But in the perverted outlook of "I - centrizm", the man, leading his life out from the accord with God, would say the same about the Universal matrix of Gods' Predetermination of life.

And what if the truth is that that the matrix, which causes so much dislike of the makers of the movie is exactly the Gods' Predetermination of life in its full completeness and variety, in relation to which they (the movie-makers) try to make a forgery, replacing certain elements with their self-possessiveness, inspired by narcotic delirium, what then?

It is much better to address directly, without any intermediaries, to God, who knows for sure, what matrix is creation of the self-possessiveness and what is His Predetermination.

od responds to everyone, craving to hear Him, but not everyone, having heard the reply from Above, coded by the "Language" of meaningful life circumstances, or directly into the individuals' internal spiritual world, is ready to apply his will so that to change his build-up and follow the path of the Gods' guidance : And if to live humanly, the man should channel his life directly to the Universal Matrix of Gods' Predetermination, distinguishing it from all other possible intermediary working matrixes created by other subjects in the limits Predetermination possible either by support of His straight kindness, or existing to the limits of His kindness.

ll this tells that neither the makers of the movie, called "Matrix", nor the characters of the movie, could break free from the suppression of the project of the bible-based matrix, though the movie itself can trigger an attentive, thinking spectator so, that he will discover the sense of the figurative narration of the movie, after what his own life will cease to be a thriller, in which he is a slave of the matrix and its' victim. But then he will enter in accord with God and will live in the course of His Providence.

July 1 - on August 18, 2000.


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